
  1. Log into Heroku using the Heroku CLI:

# If you have multiple Heroku accounts, use flag '--interactive' to switch between them
heroku login --interactive
  1. Create a new Heroku app using the PostgREST buildpack:

mkdir ${YOUR_APP_NAME}
git init .

heroku apps:create ${YOUR_APP_NAME} --buildpack https://github.com/PostgREST/postgrest-heroku.git
heroku git:remote -a ${YOUR_APP_NAME}
  1. Create a new Heroku PostgreSQL add-on attached to the app and keep notes of the assigned add-on name (e.g. postgresql-curly-58902) referred later as ${HEROKU_PG_DB_NAME}

heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:standard-0 -a ${YOUR_APP_NAME}
# wait until the add-on is available
heroku pg:wait -a ${YOUR_APP_NAME}
  1. Create the necessary user roles according to the PostgREST documentation:

heroku pg:credentials:create --name api_user -a ${YOUR_APP_NAME}
# use the following command to ensure the new credential state is active before attaching it
heroku pg:credentials -a ${YOUR_APP_NAME}

heroku addons:attach ${HEROKU_PG_DB_NAME} --credential api_user -a ${YOUR_APP_NAME}
  1. Connect to the PostgreSQL database and create some sample data:

heroku psql -a ${YOUR_APP_NAME}
# from the psql command prompt execute the following commands:
create schema api;

create table api.todos (
id serial primary key,
done boolean not null default false,
task text not null,
due timestamptz

insert into api.todos (task) values
('finish tutorial 0'), ('pat self on back');

grant usage on schema api to api_user;
grant select on api.todos to api_user;
  1. Create the Procfile:


Set the following environment variables on Heroku:

heroku config:set POSTGREST_VER=10.0.0
heroku config:set PGRST_DB_SCHEMA=api
heroku config:set PGRST_DB_ANON_ROLE=api_user

PGRST_DB_URI can be set if an external database is used or if it’s different from the default Heroku DATABASE_URL. This latter is used if nothing is provided. POSTGREST_VER is mandatory to select and build the required PostgREST release.

See https://postgrest.org/en/stable/configuration.html#environment-variables for the full list of environment variables.

  1. Build and deploy your app:

git add Procfile
git commit -m "PostgREST on Heroku"
git push heroku master

Your Heroku app should be live at ${YOUR_APP_NAME}.herokuapp.com

  1. Test your app

    From a terminal display the application logs:

heroku logs -t

From a different terminal retrieve with curl the records previously created:

curl https://${YOUR_APP_NAME}.herokuapp.com/todos

and test that any attempt to modify the table via a read-only user is not allowed:

curl https://${YOUR_APP_NAME}.herokuapp.com/todos -X POST \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"task": "do bad thing"}'